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Case Studies

Environmental and Social Benefits Generated in 2023:

234,240 tCO2e avoided emissions


Supporting local communities

Capital Dynamics is deeply committed to developing long-term relationships with the local communities in which we operate. We aim to organize educational visits to project sites in collaboration with local schools and institutions and our local partners and O&M contractors, to raise awareness of the benefits of renewable energy investments and the job opportunities these can create. Additionally, the O&M contractor organized a 2-month internship program for 2 students from an electricity education course from a local college. The students have been learning basic technical skills related to the operation of a photovoltaic plant to complete their college course. The internship program will continue to allow more students to gain technical skills. We are pleased to highlight some of our 2023 contributions made and the various causes supported:


Contributed to local causes by our wind and solar assets in the UK in 2023 through their Community Benefit Funds


Crockandun Wind Farm, as part of CEI VIII, provided funds over three years to develop a new community hub


Seegronan Wind Farm, as part of CEI VIII, contributed to “The Gemma Mc Hale Foundation” which strongly promotes the mental health and well-being of children in the community


Longhill Wind Farm, as part of CEI VIII, contributed to match fund the development phase of the community’s strategic capital project


Contributed by our Italian projects as part of the planning permission stage


Our Initiatives for Biodiversity

Capital Dynamics is committed to minimizing any potential negative impact on the environment by refraining from knowingly investing in assets whose operations could potentially result in serious negative impacts on the environment, such as severe degradation of air and water quality. All investments are screened for environmental compliance and are required to undergo an environmental assessment during the planning phase. Environmental Impact Assessments or  equivalents are carried out for all investments  in the UK and mainland Europe. During this assessment, local authorities place certain constraints on the asset layout to avoid impacts to local biodiversity and the community and require a set of mitigation measures in order for the project to receive planning permission. Further, we have implemented the following initiatives at our assets:

• Livestock Grazing: The majority of our assets in the UK and continental Europe allow for livestock grazing within the perimeter of each asset

• Drinking Points and Ponds: Our assets in Spain have drinking points and ponds for animals. These points are refilled with water monthly. The assets also have vegetated areas to allow the maintenance of the existing biotope

• Environmental Monitoring Program: In certain instances, the asset has implemented an Environmental Monitoring Program that covers the construction phase and the operation of the plant in order to monitor the soil, air and watercourses in the area Capital Dynamics employ industry- leading local biodiversity and environmental scientists to execute such programs

• Mitigation Planting: Our assets in Italy have installed mitigation measures, which consist of a perimetral vegetation band around the plant made of autochthonous flowers and vegetation species. These include the typical Mediterranean flora, cultivation of cereal and grass vegetation in the internal areas of the plant with flowers to allow the proliferation of bees, the installation of apiaries inside the plant and spots in the fence to ensure free circulation of animals

• Agrovoltaic Project: One of our assets in Spain is making relevant land adjustments in order to receive authorization as an agrovoltaic project during 2024